Wednesday, October 08, 2008

spot the not

i was browsing through my phone pictures when i saw these pictures.i took when during my endless search for a dress to wear during the oath taking ceremony. it took me 5 malls to finally find the perfect dress. i had a dress in mind, i want a black,below knee length,3/4 dress,that specific.i went to landmark in trinoma,went to all the shops in trinoma,the block,sm makati,greenbelt,i was so desperate i even went to rustans (muntik akong himatayin.hahaha).
i saw one that i like in Tango,but the saleslady is not very friendly. when i asked for the size of the dress,she gave me a "you can't afford that" look and said thats our last piece then walked away.i got pissed so i went to her carrying the dress and told her, "i'm not asking for your stock, im asking for the size".she let out a long sigh and said "large yan and thats our last piece". i wanted to strangle her with the hanger and smash her head on the counter but i cant so i just gave her the scariest look i can come up with.the lady in the counter saw that im a bit pissed so she offered assistance.too bad the dress didn't fit me,i was so ready to buy it,then i'll walk in front of that saleslady and show off the bag in front of her face (ala julia roberts in Pretty Woman..."hi,you remember me?big mistake!huge!" instead i politely walked away and thanked the kind saleslady.i want to think i'm the bigger person in that picture but part of me wants to go back and give that lady a piece of what she deserves. *sigh*
anyway,my feet is killing me already,i decided to go home.i was looking for the MRT exit when i saw Cinderella,i decided to have one last look.tadan!! they have a lot of dress (long and not so long). hehehe! i was down to these 2 dress.actually they look the same, i settled for the former.

dress number 1

dress number 2


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